League Type 

Options:  Pay / Premium / Free

Premium leagues have additional features such as In-Game Substitutions and Points for Pass Interference.  Only Premium users can create or join premium leagues.  

Pay leagues have all the features of Premium leagues with the additional feature of setting league dues and payouts.  Pay leagues are designed for YouRulz to collect all of your league’s user dues upon joining the league and handle the payouts for your league, alleviating this work from the commissioner.  Pay leagues are restricted to users in certain states.  


League Name

This is what your friends will see when accessing this league, so be creative!


Number of Teams

Options:  4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32



This is the picture that will represent the league.  



Public Leagues are displayed in the Lobby and can be joined by anyone until the number of total teams chosen for the league is filled.  Public leagues also have fixed rules that cannot be changed once the league has started. Public leagues with league dues will be restricted to players in states that allow pay leagues.